Most games involve dodging, weaving, zig zagging, turning and pivoting so wheeling skills need to progress to the next level in order to participate fully.
Turning While Moving
- Prepare for the turn by angling slightly outwards as the target is approached (see video)
While moving forward, lightly grab inside wheel enough to change direction
- The harder you grip, the greater the turn will be
- Once desired change in direction is achieved resume wheeling forward as quickly as possible
Performing a u-turn is similar to parallel parking a car or trying to do a three point turn (which can be an activity itself).
- Start in the ready position
- Take 1 stroke forward
- Stop
- Turn 90 degrees in the direction you want to pivot
- Pull backwards
- Once you've cleared the obstacle you want to pivot around (like another chair for instance), turn 90 degrees
- Pull backwards and you should be back in the ready position but on the other side of the obstacle